Bengaluru Auto driver's smartwatch QR code hack stuns passenger and amazes the Internet. ((X (formerly Twitter)))News 

Auto Driver in Bengaluru Impresses Passenger with Tech-Savvy Skills

A heartwarming story from Bengaluru has caught the interest of social media users as an auto driver, who is well-versed in technology, has cleverly integrated modern technology into his payment system. This unique approach has earned him praise and drawn comparisons to the brilliant Tony Stark from the Iron Man movies.

QR code payment with a smart watch

The case unfolded when a Bengaluru man used the Namma Yatri app to hire an autorickshaw. What happened next surprised and amused him in equal measure. Instead of producing a conventional laminated card upon request, the driver effortlessly turned his wrist to reveal a smartwatch with a QR code for payment. The QR code, with a brilliant twist, was saved as a screensaver on his smartwatch.

The woman, who was clearly taken aback by the unexpected but impressive spectacle, shared the snapshot on social media platform X (formerly Twitter). The post was accompanied by the hashtag “#PeakBengaluru,” a term often used to highlight the city’s booming tech and startup culture and its unique quirks.

A viral sensation

Sharing the encounter, he tweeted, “Met namma Tony Stark today at @nammayatri. I asked my auto driver for a QR code. He turned his hand and showed me his smartwatch. Turns out he’s saved the QR code as his smartwatch screensaver. So much swag, @peakbengaluru.”

The message quickly gained support and quickly spread in the online community. At the time of writing, it had garnered over 360,000 views, over 7,500 likes and 700 reposts. The comments section was filled with appreciative responses celebrating both the ingenuity of the driver and the vibrant atmosphere of Bengaluru.

One user expressed his joy by saying, “I really love to hear and share these little observations that I have experienced only in Bangalore.”

Another exclaimed: “I love taking cars and hearing their stories from my heart. It’s wonderful!”

The incident sparked a wider debate about Bengaluru’s unique status as India’s Silicon Valley. Commentators pondered the city’s defining characteristics, with one remarking, “That’s why it’s called the Silicon Valley of India. There must be something unique about it.”

Another person added, “This is the kind of Bengaluru peak I want to see.”

As the story spread, the driver’s creativity and ingenuity drew praise from social media users, who hailed him as “Legend”, “Impressive” and “Digital India”.

The incident is a testament to the dynamic spirit of the city, which combines technology and innovation with everyday life in unexpected and delightful ways.

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